About Why Weight Medical Weight Loss Center

why-weight-dietWhy Weight Medical Weight Loss Plan uses the ITG Diet Plan featuring delicious products that can help you meet your dietary and weight-loss goals.

Our plan allows dieters to control their weight in a healthy manner based on our protein-based program in a comfortable and personal setting with private consultations that focuses on great customer support.  Participants adhere to an easy to follow, 3-step ketonic body program that allows them to finally achieve the success they so richly deserve. Our experienced team provides you with the necessary training, materials and education to help you attain your health and weight-loss goals.

One of the things that make it work for us is the science behind the weight-loss aspect. Why Weight will not represent a yo-yo diet plan with no end for the dieter. For example, we’ll explain how the foods you eat react in your body and either cause you to retain or lose weight. That's our difference.  We’re interested in your health so we have coaches available to help you without additional charge.

With Why Weight you lose the weight, then you keep it off, for two reasons; first, because you'll shed fat instead of muscle, and second, because our focus is on teaching you how to make better eating choices rather than simply eliminating the fun foods from your diet.

Call us or stop by to meet our team.

Staff Members

Lori Hudson RN, FNP-C
Lori Henry, Head Coach

From Our Founder

"Miracles for most people don't come around often...but they are real.  If you look close enough at someone's heart, you can see it; that what I saw in my friend, Lisa Burdick, when I met her 2 years ago.

I had run into this previous patient of mine who was obese, 37 years old and "rotting away in her home" as she put it. I had to go see for myself.  It was true.  A beautiful, sparkling, blue-eyed doll was sitting in her big chair like some 90 year old with her remote control, lamp and bag full of medicines.  She rarely went outside and was put on a new medicine for a new problem every three months.

I told her about the ITG diet and offered her what seems to motivate most people now-a-days:  money. I told her if she did this diet and worked hard to get her life back, I would give her a job at my clinic.  Thankfully, she had family members who supported her in every way and she has well-over succeeded.

Lisa has been on ITG for over a year and has lost 150lbs.  Losing weight is definitely not the only perk for Lisa, who is now Head Coach for the weight loss portion of my clinic.  So many areas of her life have greatly improved:  energy, outlook, activity, hobbies, marriage, relationships, and she has come off of 13 medications.

Now she counsels others.  She knows all the secrets, the ups and downs, and the tricks to eating healthy and living life to the fullest.  I am so proud to call her my friend."

Lori Hudson